Checking out the best affordable Bachelor’s in Library Science degree programs can help curious book lovers start a new professional chapter archiving print and digital reference materials. Library science majors learn how to collect, catalog, and conserve valuable written information for readers. Low-cost library science degree options keep tuition manageable while studying the methods for organizing fiction and nonfiction works. Bachelor’s graduates then have enough funds remaining to afford the Master of Library Science (MLS) required for librarian positions. In June 2019, the American Library Association reported that libraries currently employ 366,642 paid staff. These employees keep the 9,057 public, 3,094 academic, 98,460 school, and 5,150 special libraries running smoothly. The Library of Congress alone has 3,105 workers and a $684 million budget to manage its nearly 40 million books in more than 450 languages. Contrary to popular belief, libraries remain widely used and are growing. The Pew Research Center surprisingly found that 53 percent of millennials frequently visit public libraries. Attending an accredited college for library science degree studies will introduce you to 21st-century technology tools that keep libraries relevant today.
Our Methodology
Affordable Schools decided to research the best-value library science degree options for careers promoting literacy. We started by using the Institute of Education Sciences’ NCES College Navigator database. Our analysts input advanced search criteria to locate library and information science bachelor’s at four-year universities. Our results turned up 15 potential programs for aspiring librarians. We determined the quality of each library school by the 2018-19 graduation rate. Graduation rates show the percentage of pupils who complete their studies in at least six years. Higher rates mean more learners are satisfied with the college’s services, extracurricular activities, and coursework. Finishing on time also means less wasted tuition and loan debt. We gave every cheap library science degree points based on graduation success.
More than 50 percent – 3 Points
Between 30 percent and 50 percent – 2 Points
Less than 30 percent – 1 Point
Next, the AS Staff sought to evaluate how interactive affordable colleges for library science degree options are. We turned to the National Center for Education Statistics and recorded the average student-faculty ratio. This proportion is calculated by dividing the total student body by the number of campus professors. Large ratios correlate to more oversized lectures where learners compete for faculty attention. Lower ratios mean more small classes and deeper connections with teachers who know your name. Library science majors benefit most from personalized instruction and active participation in class discussions. Low student-faculty ratios suggest better experiential learning and mentorships. We aimed for ratios under 15:1 to ensure teachers are accessible and ready to write graduate school references. We awarded each economical library science degree one to three points again for engagement level.
10:1 or Less – 3 Points
11:1 to 15:1 – 2 Points
Greater than 15:1 – 1 Point
Ultimately, Affordable Schools carried out our primary mission of finding cheap tuition. We sought cost-effective library science degree majors that won’t bankrupt your future. According to CNN Money, total four-year degree costs now average $56,840 at public and $104,400 at private colleges. That’s why 45 million Americans struggle with $1.56 trillion in loan debt. Our team wants to minimize your learning expenses and maximize your salary after graduation. We pored over the latest tuition and fee data for 2018-19. We recorded the College Navigator’s average in-state cost of attendance for full-time students. We mentioned but didn’t weigh the out-of-state prices. Our staff eliminated institutions charging $15,000 or higher in-state and gave another one to five points for tuition. We counted up the totals and listed our high-value library science degree programs from least to most points.
Under $7,500 – 5 Points
$7,500 to $15,000 – 3 Points
$15,001 and Above – 1 Point
Ranking the 10 Best Affordable Colleges for Library Science Degrees
10. Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY
Total Points: 6
Program Website
Filling five floors with more than 850,000 volumes in its $9.1 million W. Frank Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University is a public, coed GCCCU member founded in 1968 that enrolls 12,160 undergrad Norse from 72 countries in 60 bachelor’s majors with 42 percent completion. In 2014, Northern Kentucky had the ACRL Information Literacy Best Practices Award recipient. In 2017, NKU won a Council for Advancement & Support of Education District III Circle of Excellence Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Northern Kentucky University 354th for social mobility and 165th for public affairs programs. NKU was crowned America’s 381st safest campus environment on Niche, 242nd top public university in Forbes, and 335th best master’s institution by Washington Monthly.
Northern Kentucky University is our website’s 10th most affordable accredited university for library science degree options with a $10,032 in-state price. The College of Informatics grants a low-cost B.S. in Library Informatics face-to-face at Griffin Hall or 100 percent online on Canvas with an accelerated seven-week format. Chaired by Dr. Kevin Kirby, the 1998 George Polya Award winner, this 120-credit, SACS-accredited program integrates courses like Digital Searching Interfaces and Introduction to Meta Information Systems. Upperclassmen complete 150-hour, semester-long internship placements, such as Campbell County Public Library. Majors might also join Women in Informatics, publish The Northerner, conduct Center for Information Security projects, and utilize the Eva G. Farris Reading Room.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Library Informatics
In-State Tuition: $10,032
Out-of-State Tuition: $19,680
Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1
Graduation Rate: 42 percent
9. University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS
Total Points: 6
Program Website
Presenting the Southern Miss Medallion at the Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival each April, the University of Southern Mississippi is public, land-grant SURA member that’s investing $8.5 million to renovate its Cook Library for better serving 899 faculty and 14,478 Golden Eagles from 72 nations. In 2003, Southern Miss won the SOLINET Outstanding Programs Award for its Civil Rights Digital Archive. In 2017, USM had an American Library Association I Love My Librarian Award nominee. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Southern Mississippi 165th for social mobility and 93rd for online bachelor’s. USM was picked America’s 158th best campus on Niche, 248th top research institute in Forbes, and 254th best college by the Center for World University Rankings.
The University of Southern Mississippi snagged ninth place among affordable colleges for library science degree majors with in-state annual pricing of $8,624. At Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall or online on Canvas, the College of Education & Human Sciences teaches Library and Information Science B.S. cohorts how to develop reference collections. Advised by Dr. Teresa Welsh, the 120-credit, SACS-accredited program requires minimum 2.5 GPAs throughout courses like Cataloging Classification and Rural Library Management. Seniors complete 15-week capstone practicum assignments, such as Oak Grove Public Library or the Dale Center of Military History. Golden Eagles could also pursue the Accelerated Master’s Option, add the British Studies Semester in London, and join Beta Phi Mu. This best undergraduate degree for library science is a reputable program with exceptional faculty.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Science
In-State Tuition: $8,624
Out-of-State Tuition: $10,624
Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1
Graduation Rate: 49 percent
8. University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Total Points: 7
Program Website
Esteemed for its C. Edgar and Julie Grissom Collection of Ernest Hemingway, the University of South Carolina is a flagship public, sea-grant SEC member opened in 1801 that’s endowed for $809.8 million to instruct 50,099 Gamecocks and circulate 5.67 million volumes on 45 miles of Thomas Cooper Library shelves. In 1963, SC won an inaugural American Institute of Architects Library Building Award. In 2018, South Carolina accepted an IABC Communication Skills Award of Excellence. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of South Carolina 18th for library science and 69th for veteran services. SC was selected America’s 35th best information technology school by Niche and 187th top value in Kiplinger’s with the 158th best academic outcomes on WalletHub.
The University of South Carolina scored the eight spot among affordable colleges for library science degree opportunities with an annual in-state total of $12,618. Created in 2002, the School of Library & Information Science has a 17:1 student-faculty ratio for an inexpensive Information Science B.S. that builds critical inquiry skills. Coordinated by Dr. Nicole Cooke, an ALA Carnegie Whitney Grant winner, this 121-credit, SACS-accredited path tailors electives like Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence. Gamecocks complete at least one 16-week internship, such as the Smithsonian Institution or Center for Community Literacy. Students could also mentor with Cocky’s Reading Express, become Cooper-Davis Fellows, join the ISSA Club, and take Social Media Insights Lab workshops. Graduates of this best bachelor’s degree for library science may go on to such careers as data or systems analyst, web developer or information architect.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Information Science
In-State Tuition: $12,618
Out-of-State Tuition: $33,298
Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1
Graduation Rate: 77 percent
7. University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Total Points: 7
Program Website
Housing a 10,000-volume Chinese Literature Translation Archive in its 88,000-square-foot Bizzell Memorial Library, the University of Oklahoma is a flagship public, space-grant ORAU member endowed for $1.73 billion and affiliated with 29 Rhodes Scholars that enrolls 28,564 Sooners from more than 100 countries. In 2016, OU received Campus Technology’s Library Futurist Innovators Award for its NavApp. In 2015, Oklahoma accepted the Great Inspirations Award from the Creativity World Forum. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Oklahoma 28th for library science and 172nd for tuition value. OU was lauded America’s 18th best Greek life college by The Princeton Review, 101st top research institution in Forbes, and 64th best communications college on Niche.
The University of Oklahoma is Affordable Schools’ seventh cheapest accredited college for library science degree programs with yearly in-state tuition of $11,538. At Bizzell Library or Tulsa’s Schusterman Center, the School of Library & Information Studies delivers a top-value B.A. in Information Studies and B.S. in Information Science and Technology for 67 percent graduation. Headed by Dr. Kelvin White, the 2009 i-Conference Best Paper Award recipient, these 120-credit, HLC-accredited majors analyze the transfer of knowledge with shared 4000-level courses like Online Information Retrieval and Database Design. Seniors are assigned Spring semester internships, such as the Pioneer Library System or Sam Noble Museum. Some pursue the Accelerated BAIS/MLIS or Archival Studies Certificate.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Arts in Information Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology
In-State Tuition: $11,538
Out-of-State Tuition: $26,919
Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1
Graduation Rate: 67 percent
6. University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Total Points: 7
Program Website
Hosting a $1,500 Friends of the Libraries Student Video Contest each Spring, the University of Washington is a flagship public, space-grant AAU member formed in 1861 that budgets $7.84 billion to educate 47,899 Huskies across 140 departments and stock 1.6 million volumes within the Suzzllo/Allen Library. In 2004, Washington earned the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award. In 2014, UW received the American Library Association’s Interior Design Merit Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Washington 52nd for educational innovation and second for library science degrees. UW was chosen America’s 84th best value in Kiplinger’s, 31st greenest sustainable school by The Princeton Review, and 13th top information technology program on Niche.
The University of Washington climbed to sixth place among the best affordable Bachelor’s in Library Science degree offerings with an annual $11,207 in-state cost. Since August 2001, the Information School (iSchool) in Mary Gates Hall has awarded an inexpensive Informatics B.S. for four concentrations: Data Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Architecture, or Information Assurance & Cybersecurity. Managed by Dr. Anind Dey, a Mobile HCI Best Paper Award winner, this 120-credit, NWCCU-accredited sequence offers approved electives from Language Development to User Interface Design. Eighty-nine percent of Huskies finish internships, such as Microsoft and Seattle Library. Students can also join the IUGA, travel to Vienna, and engage in the Center for an Informed Public.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Informatics
In-State Tuition: $11,207
Out-of-State Tuition: $36,588
Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1
Graduation Rate: 84 percent
5. Clarion University
Clarion, PA
Total Points:7
Program Website
Archiving nearly 500,000 bound books and periodicals at its $15 million Rena M. Carlson Library since May 2002, Clarion University is a public, coed PASSHE member northeast of Pittsburgh that enrolls 3,731 full-time and 1,494 part-time Golden Eagles from 45 states at a 17:1 student-faculty ratio. In 2002, Clarion accepted the American Library Association’s Student Chapter of the Year Award. In 2018, Clarion had a PSLA Outstanding Student Library Award recipient. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Clarion University of Pennsylvania 58th for online bachelor’s education and 104th for social mobility. Clarion was classified America’s 56th most conservative school on Niche, 16th safest college by the National Council for Home Security, and 284th top value in The Economist.
Clarion University kicks off the AS Staff’s top five with an affordable distance education library science degree that costs $11,175 annually in-state for 53 percent graduation. The College of Business Administration & Information Sciences provides a top-value B.S. in Integrative Studies with the Library and Information Sciences Concentration at Becker Hall or online on Desire2Learn. Directed by Dr. Jon O’Donnell, the 120-credit, MSCHE-accredited curriculum has accelerated seven- and traditional 15-week courses from Informed Citizenry to British Literature. Female juniors and seniors with minimum 3.0 GPAs qualify for the Barbara Oldt Library Science Scholarship. Golden Eagles might also intern with Charles Suhr Library, become Civic Engagement Scholars, pursue the Online MSLS, and explore Spain.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Integrative Studies – Library and Information Sciences
In-State Tuition: $11,175
Out-of-State Tuition: $16,054
Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1
Graduation Rate: 53 percent
4. University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Total Points: 7
Program Website
Renowned for its First Edition of Handel’s Messiah showcased in Willis Library since 1972, the University of North Texas is a flagship public, land-grant URA member and Library Publishing Coalition co-founder that budgets $865.3 million to serve 31,405 Mean Green across 105 undergrad majors. In 2019, North Texas received the TDL Excellence in Digital Libraries Award for its 3Dhotbed Project. In 2017, UNT had the Association of College and Research Libraries Marta Lange Press Award recipient. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of North Texas 20th for library science and 140th for public education. UNT was decreed America’s 62nd most diverse employer in Forbes, 49th best information technology school on Niche, and 261st top financial aid provider by College Factual.
The University of North Texas finished fourth among affordable colleges for library science degree offerings with an economical $10,852 in-state price. Celebrating its 80th year, the Department of Information Science awards a cheap B.S. in Information Science & Applied Technology partially online on Canvas and partially face-to-face at the Discovery Park Annex. Organized by Dr. Jiangping Chen, the 120-credit, SACS-accredited plan offers six specializations, such as Digital Content Systems, Project and Knowledge Management, or Human Language Technology. Ambitious students of this best undergraduate degree in information science and applied technology with minimum 3.0 GPAs can save up to $20,812 via the “Degree in Three” option. Mean Green could also intern with North Richland Hills Library, research in the Data Innovation Lab, pursue the Grad Track, and join Hip Hop Book Club.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Applied Technology
In-State Tuition: $10,852
Out-of-State Tuition: $20,812
Student-Faculty Ratio: 25:1
Graduation Rate: 53 percent
3. Kutztown University
Kutztown, PA
Total Points: 7
Program Website
Managing the J. Robert & Alice Dornish Collection at Rohrbach Library’s Curriculum Materials Center, Kutztown University is a public, civic-engaged PASSHE member founded in 1866 for Berks County that’s endowed for $30.1 million to graduate 55 percent of its 8,199 Golden Bears from 43 countries. In 2018, KU had a Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Outstanding Student Award winner. In 2019, Kutztown received the International IBS Best Community Outreach Event Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Kutztown University 136th for social mobility outcomes and 77th for online education programs. KU was named America’s 385th top teaching college on Niche, 162nd best value in The Economist, and 557th best master’s institution by Washington Monthly.
Kutztown University takes bronze as the third most affordable college for library science degree programs with a $10,802 in-state cost and 18:1 student-faculty ratio. At Beekey Hall, the College of Education has 98 years of experience delivering a cheap B.S.Ed. in Library Science that fulfills Pennsylvania K-12 certification requirements for school media specialists. Led by Dr. Andrea Harmer, the 120-credit, CAEP-accredited major boasts 100 percent job placement after courses like Children’s Literature and Educational Technology. Golden Bears develop Taskstream portfolios with 90 practicum hours plus 16-week student teaching placements, such as Greenwich Elementary or Hamburg Area High. Learners may also join Kappa Delta Pi, teach abroad in China, and volunteer with Friend Inc.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Education – Library Science
In-State Tuition: $10,802
Out-of-State Tuition: $22,626
Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1
Graduation Rate: 55 percent
2. Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Total Points: 8
Program Website
Investing $31 million in renovations for its 245,000-square-foot Hilton C. Buley Library with Oak Park Architects, Southern Connecticut State University is a public, coed Northeast 10 member governed by the Board of Regents that employs 420 full-time faculty teaching 11,769 Owls in 181 programs with 51 percent completion. In 2012, Southern had the CLA Excellence in Public Library Service Award recipient. In 2010, SCSU accepted the Tau Kappa Epsilon Excellence in Community Service Involvement Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Southern Connecticut State University 158th for social mobility. SCSU was deemed America’s 355th most liberal college on Niche, seventh best library science program by College Factual, and 126th most sustainable school in Sierra magazine.
Southern Connecticut State University is our ranking’s second best affordable university for library science degree studies with a $10,954 average in-state charge. Founded in 1946, the Information & Library Science Department has August 20th and January 10th deadlines for undergrads with minimum 2.5 GPAs to begin the top-value B.S. in Information Management and Services (IMS). Administered by Dr. Yan Quan Liu, the 120-credit, NECHE-accredited path builds atop the Liberal Education Program (LEP) with New Haven courses like Data Literacy and Video Production. Owls must complete one 150-hour practicum experience, such as Mitchell Branch Library or the Connecticut Historical Society. Majors can also access the David Libbey Collection, earn the Eula Davies Scholarship, and join Bookmarks Club.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Information Management and Services
In-State Tuition: $10,954
Out-of-State Tuition: $23,464
Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Graduation Rate: 51 percent
1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
Total Points: 8
Program Website
Chronicling 15 million items in the Southern Historical Collection at Louis Round Wilson Library since 1930, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a flagship public, land-grant URA member that budgets $2.8 billion to inspire 18,715 undergrad Tar Heels and connect 335,000 living alumni. In 2018, Chapel Hill had the SNCA Thornton W. Mitchell Archivist Service Excellence Award recipient. In 2019, UNC had the Association for Information Science & Technology’s Pratt Severn Award winner. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 63rd for innovation and third for library science. UNC was declared America’s 35th best information technology program on Niche, 15th top value in Kiplinger’s, and 46th most selective school by WalletHub.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill landed top among affordable colleges for library science degree programs with average in-state tuition and fees of $8,987. At Manning Hall, the School of Information & Library Science currently has 205 Bachelor’s in Information Science (BSIS) majors across seven concentrations, including Digital Cultural Heritage, Data Storage & Retrieval, and Web Design. Overseen by Dr. Gary Marchionini, the 2000 LITA Kilgour Award recipient, this 120-credit, SACS-accredited sequence has upper-division major courses like Information Systems Analysis and Multimedia Programming. One faculty-led, two-week iSchool study abroad trip to Prague or Dublin is included. Alumni of this cheap undergraduate degree program have 90 percent job placement at Cisco, Microsoft, Wake County Public Libraries, and more.
Degree Options:
Bachelor of Science in Information Science
In-State Tuition: $8,987
Out-of-State Tuition: $35,170
Student-Faculty Ratio: 13:1
Graduation Rate: 89 percent
Which Careers Do Affordable Library Science Degree Students Qualify For?
Affordable colleges for library science degree programs prepare inquisitive, tech-savvy bachelor’s majors to purse accredited MLS/MLIS completion or entry-level media center jobs. For example, library technicians perform clerical tasks like stocking shelves and cataloging new materials. Museum technicians help acquire clean, and safely store rare artifacts or writings for special exhibitions. Information architects design user-friendly websites or application systems for locating research data. Database administrators upload and back up digital documents into accessible indexes for library users. Corporate taxonomists develop the organizational systems for classifying vital paperwork and assets. Archivists work to authenticate and preserve valuable historical records in an organized, searchable manner. School media specialists are certified K-12 staff who teach children and teachers how to utilize educational technologies. Other careers for cheap library science degree holders include associate librarian, health informatics technician, webmaster, information scientist, literary translator, author, and information security analyst.
How Much Can You Make After Low-Cost Library Science Degree Programs?
Choosing the most affordable university for library science degree studies is suggested to ensure good tuition ROI because bibliothecas generally provide modest paychecks. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculated a mean annual wage of $49,700 for all education and library occupations. Librarians with master’s training earn median pay of $59,050. Annual income for librarians ranges from $34,630 to $93,050. Library technicians make significantly less at $29,640 on average. Museum technicians and conservators report mean earnings of $43,020. Archivists bring home median compensation of $52,240 each year. Adult literacy teachers make an average yearly salary of $53,630. Information architects are handsomely paid about $109,020. Database administrators enjoy an average income of $90,070. Webmasters and web developers reap annual mean profits of $69,430. lists 38 library service jobs offering $36,887 to $111,312. College textbook managers are hired for $47,500 on average. Library services managers receive median pay of $82,888. Library resources directors make a whopping $111,312.
What is the Job Outlook for Top-Value Library Science Degree Graduates?
Graduating from an affordable accredited college for library science degree options can help you turn the page toward career success in a highly competitive field. The Department of Labor expects employment of librarians will increase by 6 percent for 8,500 new jobs by 2028. Hiring of library technicians and assistants will decline by 3 percent to cut around 5,600 positions. Demand for archivists is growing faster than average with a 9 percent uptick predicted. Museum technicians can count on a promising 10-year job outlook of 10 percent growth. Information architects will see a 5 percent increase this decade. Employment of database administrators will expand 9 percent to reach 127,400 total. Market need for adult literacy teachers will drop 10 percent. Contracts for book editors will decrease by about 3 percent. Webmaster jobs will skyrocket by 13 percent or roughly 20,900. According to Library Journal, librarians and curators have the ninth best job for increased demand in 2030 though! Ravenous readers shouldn’t feel reluctant to earn an affordable library science degree and start sharing their wisdom.
AS Staff
This concludes our ranking of the top 10 best affordable bachelor’s in library science degree programs.
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