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There are over 2,700 bachelor’s-degree-granting institutions in the United States. To which one will you go? At Affordable Schools we’ve done the heavy lifting for you; explore our site and find the best, high quality affordable school for you.
We make it easy to search for affordable colleges by state, degree type or specific degree program. Seeking convenience and flexibility? Check out our list of affordable online colleges. Browse our list of the best value schools for a specific degree program.
We also provide profiles of rewarding careers along with the matching affordable online degree.
Whether you’re looking for the cheapest online colleges (remember, in education, cheap cost doesn’t have to mean cheap quality), the best value colleges or the most affordable colleges (in a specific region) we have a list to assist you. We’ve covered nearly 400 colleges to date with more added frequently.
Did You Know ?
Did you know that both UNC Chapel Hill and the College of William and Mary (CWM) have a claim to being the oldest public university, depending on the definition?
UNC Chapel Hill was established as a public university from its start, in 1798. CWM was established in 1693, but as a private college. It did not become public until 1906.
Find out more about the oldest American colleges and universities, which covers a mix of private and public institutions of higher learning.